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Webinars & On-line training sessions

FCI has extended its Educational outreach by introducing modern learning methods.


Webinars & on-line trainings are now part of FCI's core Education offering.

On-line training sessions:

A full list of topics is available covering the most important aspects in factoring and in the Two-Factor System. Their purpose is to provide members with the basic knowledge to facilitate their smooth integration to the FCI environment. 
Members may choose among topics like:

  • Basics of Risk Management in Factoring

  • Basics of FCI Legal Framework

  • Basics FCI Two-Factor Operations

  • Introduction to FCI & the Two-Factor System


A series of webinars are available for members to attend in order to acquire deeper knowledge on FCI and Factoring related topics. Follow our website to receive updated information on webinar topics and dates.

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