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The Constitution

The Constitution sets out the “rules of the club” of FCI and deals with rules of membership and the various parts of the FCI organisation.

General Rules for International Factoring (GRIF)

The GRIF contains the rules governing the business of international factoring between FCI members.  By signing the Interfactor Agreement (see below), members agree to be bound by the GRIF in the way that they do business together.

Interfactor Agreement

This is a bilateral agreement in which two FCI members, as correspondents, declare they will be bound by the General Rules for International Factoring, the Rules of Arbitration and the Rules.

Rules of Arbitration

Fortunately, serious disagreements between members are rare but when they do arise, they will ultimately be decided by arbitration as foreseen in Article 10 of the GRIF. rules

These rules govern the exchange of messages between FCI members.  By signing the interfactor agreement a member agrees to be bound by these rules.

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