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Import Factor Information Sheet

Once you are ready to receive import business from member Export Factors, you should issue an

Import Factor Information Sheet (“IFIS”).

An IFIS contains relevant information about the way you will handle import business and might, for example, state the types of trade you are particularly interested in.  The IFIS should also state the precise text of the relevant assignment notice to be used for exports to your country, including an indication whether you supply Export Factors (and their sellers) with a stamp or with stickers.

You should send your IFIS to the FCI Secretariat, to be uploaded on MY FCI, so that all FCI members will have access.

Although there is no mandatory form for the IFIS, you should use the extensive example included in chapter 3 of the Communication Manual as the basis to create your own. Remember to keep it regularly updated!

IFIS as a marketing tool
Schermafbeelding 2019-01-29 om 19.14.35.

As a way of introducing your company to the other members of FCI, in addition to the IFIS, your latest audited financial statements in the English language will be uploaded onto MY FCI, unless you request otherwise.

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