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The roles of the FCI Committees

FCI as an organisation deals with several projects and offers an extensive range of services to its members. Much of this work originates from the “brains” of the FCI Committees and it cannot be accomplished without their valuable input. Following is a brief description of the role and tasks of each FCI Committee.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of twelve members, elected by the FCI Council every 2 years, and can best be compared to a board of directors of a business corporation or company.  Article 5 of the Constitution states that FCI shall be managed by the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee also appoint the Secretary General and have the power to set up technical committees (for specific purposes either on a continuous basis or for a limited time only) and to appoint their chairmen. 

The Executive Committee are responsible to implement the Council decisions, to supervise the FCI Secretariat and to allocate tasks to the Technical Committees.

Business & IT Solutions Committee

The Business & IT Solutions Committee deal with all matters relating to the transfer of information between members in the FCI two-factor system.

The Business & IT Solutions Committee are responsible for and its continuous improvement, for increasing the efficiency and reducing costs of the FCI two-factor system and for the maintenance of the Communication Manual.

Education Committee

The Education Committee are responsible for the development and implementation of FCI’s educational policy.

Working closely with the Education Director & the Education Officer, the Education Committee supervise all FCI courses, decide on the modification of existing or on the release of new courses, decide on the development of new education programs & manuals, and may organise education seminars and workshops.

Legal Committee
Marketing & Communication Committee

The Legal Committee are responsible for the maintenance of all FCI legal documentation and any issues arising from them.

Another important task is to assist FCI members in clarifying legal issues and in assisting them to solve possible problems with their correspondents.

Changes to the GRIF, for example, are often the result of issues raised by FCI members.

The Marketing & Communication Committee help FCI to achieve its first objective, that is, “to facilitate & promote international factoring through a correspondent factoring platform”, by organising promotion conferences, maintaining the FCI public web site, and producing the FCI Annual Review.

Another important task is to provide FCI members efficient tools to sell export factoring such as specialised training seminars and the Sales and Marketing Toolbox.

Finally, the Marketing & Communication Committee also promotes “FCI” to its members by supervising the release of the quarterly newsletter “FCI In-Sight” and organising each year a new award relating to the development of export and import factoring.

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